Texa-Kolo Festival
Thanksgiving Weekend, November 25-28, 2021

Live & on-site in California

with globally inclusive Zoom sessions

Covid Protocols for On-site Attendance

From the Kolo Festival and Texas International Folk Dancers boards:

Together, we are dedicated to making this event a joyous celebration, and to keeping each other safe. Towards that end, we’re introducing some changes from previous years’ on-site events. We support that each person’s personal situation is different. Using extensive research and experience from recent in-person events, we’ve carefully designed these protocols to maximize our community’s safety, while still preserving the most precious elements of an on-site Kolo Festival. For those who will join us at the Croatian American Cultural Center for this event, please carefully review the safety protocols outlined below. Together we’ll practice new ways to support what we love while we protect our health and safety.

If after reviewing these protocols, you still have questions or concerns, we want to hear from you. Please email us at texa-kolo2021@gmail.com


All attendees must be fully vaccinated

The CDC defines fully vaccinated as:

Submit proof of vaccination

After you register...

Email a scan of your vac card to texakolo2021@gmail.com by November 22nd. We will check you off on the list, and then delete your email.


Set up a private Zoom session where you show us your vac card. Email us at texakolo2021@gmail.com to set that up


Bring your vaccination card with you to the festival and show it at the door.

Daily Health Check

We recommend an Individual Daily Health Check (below) before coming. Please stay home if you’re not well or not sure.

At Kolo Festival


Masks wearing is mandatory, except as noted below. People can unmask while eating or drinking. All live music will be performed on the stage. Musicians will be masked unless unmasking is required to perform. There will be a minimum of 20’ between the musicians on-stage and participants on the dance floor. We will comply with or exceed the city, county, and state protocols in place at the time of the Festival.

Limit your in/out -- safety is our priority

We are trying to create a bubble to keep everyone on-site as safe as possible. Please limit your comings and goings to essential trips, only. Plan to stay for the entire day, if you can! Food, beverages, and alcohol will be available for purchase on-site, CASH ONLY please. There will be vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. You may also bring food and non-alcoholic beverages with you.

Extras to consider:

We will provide:

Extra masks for emergencies Hand sanitizer Ear plugs

You may want to bring:

Handkerchiefs to hold, instead of hands, while dancing Multiple masks to enable frequent changes Your favorite mask Water bottle

Daily Health Check: Anything Unusual?

Perform your daily health check each day BEFORE coming to the festival, and stay at home if you are experiencing these symptoms.